Mr. Bernie Francis is now a court Worker effective May 17, 1971, who will be working out of the John Howard Society office in Sydney. Mr. Francis will be covering the Cape Breton area, giving assistance to Indian people in levels of understanding, acceptance, and respect for existing laws.
Other related duties in Mr. Francis’ involvement will be to bring to the attention of the Indian people provisions that affect the Indian people in the courts and special services available to both the Correctional Institutions and in the field. The Court Worker will also bring to the attention of the courts, police, and persons involved, the nature and goals of the Court Worker for the best interest of the people.
Mr. Francis is a first year student of the T.Y.P. program of Dalhousie. Further information may be obtained by contacting Mr. Francis at the John Howard Society office. Phone 539-1253 at 106 Townsend Street, Sydney, Nova Scotia.